Please contact us for a tour or information

Complete Little Blessings Nursery School Registration Process

Step 1. Contact Little Blessings Nursery School to ensure current availability and/ or waitlist potential for your child’s enrolment.

Step 2. Once confirmed the space for your child is available, complete the Registration Form. Each child must have their own form.

Step 3. non-refundable registration fee of $70 is required, payable by e-transfer or cheque. Ongoing approved payment methods are beginning-of-the-month e-transfers or post-dated cheques for program fees, dated the first of each month (September to June).

Step 4. An Immunization Request and a copy of the child’s up-to-date immunization record are required for the school to submit to the Durham Region Health Department.

Step 5. Inform the supervisor of any allergies, special needs or health conditions your child may have before they start so plans can be established. Also please provide your child’s previous history of communicable diseases.

Step 6. Read the Parent Manual and sign on the Registration Forms that you have done so.

Visit our program page for information about our program or framework.

Welcome to Little Blessings Nursery School video,
“I’m on my way!”


Read what parents say about us!

“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.” – Fred Rogers